The CRIISP Demo Day marks another success for Steve Torso and the team at Wholesale Investor.

The CRIISP Demo Day marks another success for Steve Torso and the team at Wholesale Investor. The day shows over 30 early stage investment opportunities to a large community of investors.

The format is limited to 5 minute presentation which give potential investors a taste of the opportunity so that they can either use the CRIISP platform later will meet with the presenters today.

Wholesale investor continues to innovate in how they connect the ecosystem they have created. They use different locations for different purposes and continue to lead the market in what they do.

Mauricio and I had the opportunity to see new and emerging companies each with different risk profiles and addressing different needs in the market. Increasingly companies we are seeing are not fin tech or biotech but simply technology companies which will improve the way we live. Many are SaaS based and given time is at a premium consumers will pay for services they use.

We look forward to the next Wholesale Investor event.

Paul Raftery


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