
Showing posts from October, 2019


We work with smart and flexible people. Whilst our team and our consultants speak many languages we work in English and we look for projects which have a feasibility study and a solid financial model.  We are strong believers in personal integrity and need first enter into mutual confidentiality agreements and before we work with a client we need to be mandated. The key of the mandate is to agree in writing what we will do, when and costs.

Leaving the family

INTRODUCTION Many families are challenged when a family member wants to disassociate themselves from the rest of the tribe. Usually this is based on having different ideological religious, or financial circumstances. The same happens amongst and within countries. Over breakfast Carmenza and I discussed the history of events between Catalan and Spain. Being raised in Colombia she has a much greater understanding of the history and the economics of the Catalan region and the rest of Spain. I had not appreciated the huge cultural differences including language and the fact that Catalan provides more than 25% of Spain’s exports plus subsidises much of the rest of Spain through tax-redistribution. As we chatted over breakfast, we discussed you may not like your family but you can’t leave it. You are who you are! And you’ll always be a member of the family. Politically, perhaps this is a story one should not comment on but in reality, if all good people say nothing, nothing...

The CRIISP Demo Day marks another success for Steve Torso and the team at Wholesale Investor.

The CRIISP Demo Day marks another success for Steve Torso and the team at Wholesale Investor. The day shows over 30 early stage investment opportunities to a large community of investors. The format is limited to 5 minute presentation which give potential investors a taste of the opportunity so that they can either use the CRIISP platform later will meet with the presenters today. Wholesale investor continues to innovate in how they connect the ecosystem they have created. They use different locations for different purposes and continue to lead the market in what they do. Mauricio and I had the opportunity to see new and emerging companies each with different risk profiles and addressing different needs in the market. Increasingly companies we are seeing are not fin tech or biotech but simply technology companies which will improve the way we live. Many are SaaS based and given time is at a premium consumers will pay for services they use. We look forward...

Take a letter Dragon

INTRODUCTION Take a letter Maria , was recorded by RB Greaves, an American soul singer, in August 1969. Decades later it was still a song frequently heard as I drove home from my night classes at the University of Melbourne. The song reflected a life already gone, when I joined the workforce at BA Australia we used dictating machines and had Wang operators. At the Life insurance Federation, I was truly blessed to have Alcia McCulloch as my PA. She had worked with actuaries for over 30 years and was willing to type my university assignments in econometrics which to most people look like hieroglyphics. It was all gone on IBM golf ball typewriters which had golf balls for actuarial work. These were the days when your PA knew all your sizes and would happily go shopping for you. I must admit, on day one, as I answered all her questions, I felt affronted. Richard, my predecessor, told me she is a good woman, she has known the CEO, Nick Renton, since he was a cadet actuar...

5th Annual Business Expo and Networking event


Time for action – Yes Invest and live in Australia

Introduction Welcome to the wonderful world of Projects RH we think projects in Australia with money. Each day for us is exciting as we see a number of wonderful investment opportunities which we can connect to people we know who want to make investments. We often work with our clients like a corporate treasurer to put their vision on paper so I can be communicated with potential investors. As we work with our clients to prepare their financial models information documents, we have the opportunity to discuss with them the implementation strategies and what resources they need. Generally the first resource they need is people. When we discuss their market invariably it’s not just Australia. They want and need to work with people and money which connect them particularly in our region. Australia since its colonial days has been a net importer of capital. This is investment into Australia by people outside Australia purchasing land or other assets has been welcomed. Basi...

Reaching out to the China market

Introduction Mauricio Otoya and I, representing Projects RH, attended the monthly meetings of the Australia China SME Association ACSME held in Sydney. ACSME is chaired by prominent China speaker and expert David Thomas author of “China Bites”.   The theme was understanding the cultural differences between doing business in Australia and China. I often find myself saying that President Trump and President Xi should try to see the world as each other sees it. Australia – China business David Thomas guided over 20 participants in a wide-ranging discussion which went considerably deeper than my statements above. David announced he was a self-professed “egg” - which I now no means white on the outside and yellow on the inside. I think this reflects his long years and deep experience inside China. He first asked us to do a self-analysis on our views and how we approach business relationships. The audience was broad with people from mixed backgrounds including r...