Making the Bed

I must admit as a child that I was spoiled in some ways. If I did not make my bed before I went to school my mother would make it for me. Clearly that is something that did not continue after I left home. I am married to a woman whose mother insisted she made her bed every day even though they had domestic staff. My mother in law thought this was important for each of her children. It is that it is only in the last couple of years that I have realised the significance of committing to make the bed each day before you leave the house. My wife is currently overseas and I’ve committed to her that each day before I leave the house, I will make the bed. The significance in making the bed each day lies in the fact we are creatures which need ritual and habit. My work day habit is I get up and go to the gym, return and have breakfast get myself ready and go. Getting ready means leaving the house as I will find when I return - this is not a trite statement I want to come...