Winging into Sydney!

The Team at Projects RH whilst we focus on projects in Australia, we have the opportunity meet with and to talk with clients, investor and professionals who look at Australia from the outside. Recently Carmenza and I were returning from Singapore and we looked out the window and saw Sydney shining as we made our approach to Kingsford-Smith Airport.

The sight was magnificent and somewhat iconic as it is the type of photo so many believes reflects Australia but this is far from the case – but please keep coming and spending your tourist dollars, please keep sending your children and spending your education dollars. If you and you children like the place well enough come and invest too. We will sell you our produce and commodities too!

I think why so many people come to Australia is because of our attitude and tolerance as much as our nation’s beauty and isolation. Australia’s high level of personal safety means foreigner and local can both relax and do good business. We need pride ourselves that doing business in Australia is relatively simple with most people being honest and courteous. Projects RH prides itself on being relationship driven. One of our team recently lead on a beef supply contract for 12 months his comment was that it was service which would get the contract renewed.

Winging into Sydney means Immigration and Customs. AQS (Australian Quarantine Service) are tireless protectors of our environmental security. One of Australia great resources is its “clean and free” status.  This is critical for our tourism and food export industries. As we were touching down Carmenza reminded me – that spare apple had to go!

Projects RH is not an migration specialist but we are pleased to be able to assist with the location and selection of investments which meet specific classes of visa applicants. One of Sydney based team, Graham Kinder, a career funds management structurer, has great patience and last year assisted several parties on their journey.

Today Australians selling Australia on the world stage is farm from strange but what we at Projects RH are seeing is people handing our business cards around – a card we gave to a friend in Hong Kong lead to an investment bank from Toronto wanting to work with us on a copper opportunity – Australia is hot we need keen the investment coming in. Paul had gone to graduate school with this friend some 20 years ago. He loved his time in Australia – his parents now live in Sydney but he is in Hong Kong. There are may friends of Australia who sing the song of this land of opportunity.

By Paul Raftery


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