
Showing posts from February, 2020



Conéctate y conoce las diferentes visas de inversión para que crezcas en Australia

Conéctate y conoce las diferentes visas de inversión para que crezcas en Australia. Acompáñanos en nuestro Facebook Live y resuelve las dudas que tengas sobre la Visa Australiana de inversión y negocios. Date: 26/02/ 2020 SYDNEY - 25/02/2020 LATAM Time: 12:00 M / SYDNEY - 8:00PM LATAM Con nuestro aliado estratégico  RC Australia Migracion Conéctate con nosotros: # Projectsrh   # Investmentspecialistsconnectingtheworld   # Investmentbanking   # Visa   # capital   # negotiations   # Acquisitions   # divestments   # Businessmigration   # Business   # Investorvisa   # Visainvestment   # VisaRequirementsform   # Businesscircle   # Globaleconomy

Projects RH - We Connect Projects & Money


Mis hijos decidieron que quedarse en Australia es el futuro


Proposed coal-fired power station could become white elephant, economist warns | 7.30

The Federal Government is spending $4 million to test the feasibility of a controversial proposal to build a new coal-fired power station in north Queensland. For the struggling coal town of Collinsville, it's seen as a welcome economic boost. But some industry experts are questioning the project's economic viability.

Cambios del gobierno australiano sobre Visas e Inmigrantes


Venture Capital Funds: the Australian experience everybody wants to participate in

Australia is a leader in investment management, with the sixth largest group of funds under management in the world, so we have the expertise and strength to make these projects a reality. Today we will talk about Venture Capital Funds for investment and development, the Australian experience that everyone wants to participate in. Our guest: Strategic ally Graham Kinder from River Gold Capital.


HOW MECHANICAL SHOULD YOUR CONSULTANT BE? Another Frequently Asked Question, by Paul Raftery At Projects RH we do pride ourselves on knowing that each client is special and known by the relevant team members. In dealing with clients with similar issues it would be remiss of us not to build checklists and to process map what needs to happen. A case in point is our part in the investment visas application process. I also guess that in having an engineer for a CEO requiring to find processes and monitoring performance against these almost goes without thinking. Our processes need to be well developed to show we can give the client the level of service they deserve.  Having defined processes and checklists enables us to readily respond to the queries of our clients but more importantly to monitor their progress before there is a query. This is especially important as Projects RH, via its strategic alliance partners, process manages much of the activities. Nevertheless, o...

Australia, el nuevo norte de los latinoamericanos

Invertir y vivir en Australia es posible!

My Mission is only....


Hacer empresa en Australia, una meta posible de alcanzar

Hacer empresa, emprender, tener un negocio.. es una meta que muchos quieren lograr pero o no se atreven, o no encuentran el lugar, ni la forma, ni la financiación, ni el mercado, ni el ambiente de negocios adecuados para ello. Hoy les queremos contar sobre un lugar donde cumplir este sueño es posible. Australia es uno de los países del mundo donde es más sencillo establecer negocios...menos trámites, mayor libertad, menos tiempo para establecer el negocio. Hoy hablamos de todo esto con nuestro aliado invitado, Y&S Accounting. Bienvenidos!

Australia singed and soggy; but not scorched and drowning

Living in Australia you are not exempt from what happens in the environment. Australia is a vast land exceeding 2.7 km² it is a land of drought and a flood but also rich diverse and large. This year the world lives with corona-virus. We are fortunate and when it is winter in North Asia is summer in Australia and as such the life of the virus and a chance of infection is less. It was an Institute at the University of Melbourne who first cracked the virus code and gave it is the world. The University of Queensland is one of the three global centres collaboratively working on a vaccine. Australia will rebuild the damage caused by fire and flood. This is our culture and our spirit. The bushfire season in Australia this year has been particularly bad. The area of Australia effected is about the size of Scotland. Scotland fits into Australia 98 times. China is Australia’s most significant trading partner taking 30% of our exports and providing 18% of our imports. Our exports t...

Inaugural 2020 Ibero-American Business Networking, (ALABC)

Yesterday saw the commencement of the Australia Latin America business Council’s (ALBAC) year. We celebrated the long-awaited FTA between Peru and Australia going operational. There is a strong recognition within the Australian Latino community of the opportunity that exists between South America and Australia with the foundation of the TransPacific Partnership. Business opportunities were discussed, friendships renewed and appointments made. A very successful commencement to the ALABC year. Also thank you to City Tatts. For me, I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen for 15 years as we both moved to different parts of Australia and have returned to Sydney. More business to be done.


Most investment textbooks take you through a process whereby you first identify what you want to invest in and then where. Today we propose to reverse this and say there are 10 good reasons to invest in Australia and some of these will tell you which sectors you should invest in. Join us today in our Facebook Live session with our guest Jean-Michel Floc’h, international businessman and Merchant Banker with a focus on China, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Planning your move

PROJECTS RH believes that through the right relationships and the right strategy, you can create great opportunities for your business and achieve your ultimate objectives. The value in our expert advice is that it focuses on what is important to our clients.  We look to build long-term relationships, understand clearly what our clients need and leverage off our network to help them make it happen. As with any good chess game, ultimate success lies in having the right strategy.  PROJECTS RH delivers high quality strategic advice to assist you with making business decisions.  We provide specialist advice to public and private businesses in:   ·         Mergers and acquisitions. ·         Capital raising. ·         Valuation services. ·         Transaction services. ·       ...

1:52 / 28:13 How to Write a Business Plan




Australia is a top 15 world economy

Australia is an island, it has an internal market of over 25 million people and it has developed substantial diverse industry to meet the needs of the population. Australia does have a specialised economy with high reliance on resources and agriculture. It currently produces enough food to feed 75 million people. Coupled with his energy exports that’s a pretty good place to be. Australia physically is a long way from most places but with modern transport and communications coupled with good time management most of those things can be overcome. Like you, Paul, in the early mornings I speak to the Americas in their late afternoons, work during the Asian day, and then take calls in my early evening which is in the European morning. By being a top 15 economy Australia has responsibilities and rights. Our people share in most of these rights. Over the years this has allowed Australia to develop a social contract. The clearest example of the Australian social contract is that y...